Section A contains policies, regulations and exhibits on the district’s legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the school board’s other policies and regulations. Included in this section are policies on nondiscrimination, educational philosophy and accountability.
School District Legal Status | |
Nondiscrimination-Equal Opportunity | |
Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity (Complaint and Compliance Process) – Regulation | |
Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity – Exhibit | |
School District Mission | |
School District Educational Goals and Objectives | |
Tobacco-Free Schools | |
Safe Schools | |
School Wellness | |
Accountability Commitment to Accomplishment | |
Accreditation |
Section B contains policies, regulations and exhibits about the school board -- how it is elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings and how it operates. This section includes policies establishing the board’s internal operating procedures as well as policies on board communications and policy adoption.
School Board Legal Status | |
BBA | School Board Powers and Responsibilities |
Board Member Oath of Office | |
Board Member Resignation-Removal | |
Unexpired Term Fulfillment-Vacancies | |
Board Elections | |
School Board Member Conduct. | |
School Board Member Financial Disclosure. | |
Board Member Conflict of Interest. | |
Board Organizational Meeting. | |
Board Officers. | |
School Attorney-Legal Services. | |
School Board Meetings | |
Electronic Participation in School Board Meetings | |
Notification of School Board Meetings. | |
Agenda | |
Rules of Order | |
Minutes. | |
Public Participation at School Board Meetings. | |
School Board Policy Process | |
Policy Implementation. | |
Board Member Compensation and Expenses-Insurance-Liability |
Section C contains policies, regulations and exhibits on school management, administrative organization and school building and department administration. It includes the administrative aspects of special programs and system wide reforms such as school or site-based management. It also contains personnel policies regarding the superintendent, senior administrators (management team) and school principals.
Qualification/Powers and Responsibilities of Superintendent | |
Recruitment of Superintendent | |
Superintendent’s Contract | |
Superintendent’s Contract | |
Evaluation of Superintendent | |
Public Inspection of Superintendent's Evaluation | |
Policy Implementation | |
Board Review of Regulations | |
Handbooks and Directives | |
Administration in the Absence of Policy |
Section D contains policies, regulations and exhibits on school finances and the management of funds. It includes policies on budget, banking, accounting, purchasing and payroll. Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation, however, are filed in Section F - Facilities Development.
Federal Fiscal Compliance | |
Annual Budget | |
Determination of Budget Priorities | |
Authorizing the Use of Fund Balance | |
Budget Adoption Process | |
Budget Transfers | |
Fiscal Emergencies | |
Funds From Local Tax Sources | |
Taxing and Borrowing | |
Revenues from Investments/Use of Surplus Funds | |
Banking Services (and Deposit of Funds) | |
Bonded Employees and Officers | |
Inventories | |
Inventories Procedures | |
Purchasing/Federal Funds Procedures | |
Purchasing Procedures | |
Bidding Procedures | |
Local Competitive Purchasing | |
Vendor Relations | |
Payment Procedures | |
Payroll Procedures Schedules | |
Salary Deductions | |
Expense Authorization/Reimbursement | |
School Properties Disposition |
Section E contains policies, regulations and exhibits on non-instructional service and programs, particularly those on business management, safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation and food services. Also Included are policies on busing, fire drills, vandalism, data management and insurance programs.
Environmental and Safety Program | |
Hazardous Materials | |
Hazardous Materials — Regulation | |
Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures | |
Guidelines for Prevention of Disease/Infection transmission in schools | |
Disaster Plans | |
Security/Access to Buildings | |
Buildings and Grounds Mainenance | |
Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment | |
Maintenance and Control of Instructional Material | |
Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials or Equipment | |
Authorized Use of School Owned Laptop Computers | |
Student Transportation | |
Bus Scheduling and Routing — Regulation | |
Bus Safety Program | |
Transportation Contract | |
Bus Driver Responsibilities | |
Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus Drivers | |
Drug and Alcohol testing for Bus Drivers | |
Use of Wireless Communication devices by bus drivers | |
Use of School Buses by Community Groups | |
Use of School Buses by Community Groups | |
Student Transportation | |
School Nutrition Program | |
Free and Reduced-Price Food Services | |
Nutritious Food Choices | |
Electronic Communication | |
Telephone Services | |
Safeguarding Personal Identifying Information | |
Insurance Program/Risk Management |
Section F contains policies, regulations and exhibits on facility planning, financing, construction and renovation. It also includes the topics of temporary facilities, school closings, bond campaigns and naming facilities.
Section G contains policies, regulations and exhibits on all school employees except the superintendent (found in Section C - General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions: GB contains policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support or classified staff.
Open Hiring Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action | |
Sexual Discrimination and Harassment | |
Non-Criminal Justice Agency | |
Staff Involvement in Decision Making | |
Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest | |
Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest — Exhibit | |
Code of Ethics of the Education Profession | |
Staff Ethics Conflict | |
Staff Conduct and Responsibilities | |
Staff Conduct with Students | |
Staff Dress Code | |
Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff | |
Drug-Free Workplace (Drug and Alcohol Use by Staff Members) | |
Staff No Smoking/Smoking | |
Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications | |
Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications (Annual Acceptable Use Agreement) — Exhibit | |
Staff Health (and Physical and Mental Health Examination Requirements) | |
Staff Health (and Physical and Mental Health Examination Requirements) | |
Staff Health (Staff Members with HIV/AIDS/Communicable Diseases) — Regulation | |
Staff Personal Security and Safety | |
Staff Maternity/Paternity/Parental Leave | |
Staff Participation in Political Activities | |
Personnel Records and Files | |
Disclosure of Information to Prospective Employers | |
Staff Concerns/Complaints/Grievances | |
Rangely School District RE-4 Formal Grievance Form | |
Professional Staff | |
Professional Staff Positions | |
Alternatively Prepared Teachers | |
Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation | |
Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans/Overtime | |
Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring | |
Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring — Regulation | |
Professional/Support Staff Hiring/Part time and Substitute Staff Employment | |
Hiring of Instructional Staff-Portability of Nonprobationary Status | |
Arrangements for Substitutes | |
Professional Staff Development | |
Professional Staff Training, Workshops and Conferences | |
Professional Staff Probation, Tenure and Seniority | |
Teacher Displacement | |
Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers/Assignment and Transfer of Building Administrators | |
Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars/Professional Staff Office Hours | |
Professional Staff Work Load | |
Instructional/Administrative Staff Extra Duty | |
Evaluation of Licensed Personnel | |
Instructional Staff Reduction in Force | |
Instructional Staff Reduction in Force — Regulation | |
Resignation of Instructional Staff/Administrative Staff | |
Retirement of Professional Staff | |
Employment of Retired Employees ("110-110" Contracts) | |
Distribution of Teacher Association Materials | |
Support/Classified Staff | |
Support Staff Fringe Benefits | |
Support Staff Vacations and Holidays | |
Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring | |
Support Staff Recruiting-Hiring | |
Support Staff Probation, Tenure and Seniority | |
Retirement of Support Staff |
Section H contains policies, regulations and exhibits on the process of negotiating with bargaining units recognized by the school board and authorized under state law.
H | None |
Section I contains policies, regulations and exhibits on the instructional program. This section covers basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources and academic achievement. It includes policies about the school year, school day, grading, graduation requirements, home schooling, school library and media center, textbook selection and adoption, field trips, teaching methods and school ceremonies.
School Year - School Calendar - Instruction Time | |
Organization of Instruction | |
Curriculum Development | |
Curriculum Adoption | |
Health Education | |
Health Education (Exemption Procedure) — Regulation | |
Teaching about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco | |
Gifted and Talented Education | |
Home Schooling | |
Extended Instructional Programs - College Classes for Seniors | |
IHCDA | Concurrent Enrollment |
Postsecondary Options/Concurrent Enrollment — Regulation | |
Class Size | |
Instructional Resources and Materials | |
Library Materials Selection and Adoption | |
Summary of the District Review Procedure | |
Pre-Shelving Process Library Materials, Books, and Videos | |
Field Trips | |
Field Trips — Regulation | |
Grading/Assessment Systems | |
Report Cards/Progress Reports | |
Homework | |
Ensuring All Students Meet Standards | |
Graduation Requirements | |
Graduation Requirements | |
Graduation Exercises | |
Evaluation of Instructional Programs | |
Testing/Assessment Programs | |
State Testing Programs | |
State Program Assessments | |
Literacy and Reading Comprehension Assessments (Third Grade Literacy) | |
Procedures to implement the Colorado READ Act | |
Teaching Methods | |
Teaching about Controversial/Sensitive Issues | |
Flag Displays |
Section J contains policies, regulations and exhibits on students -- admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, suspension and expulsion, health and welfare, records, publications and school-related activities.
Equal Educational Opportunities | |
JBB* | Sexual Harassment |
Compulsory Attendance Ages | |
Entrance Age Requirements | |
Procedure for Early Entrance Preschool and/or Kinder | |
Admission and Denial of Admission | |
Continuing Enrollment of Students Who Become Nonresidents | |
Nonresident Tuition Charges | |
Homeless Students | |
Homeless Students — Regulation | |
Part-time Enrollment of Home School Students | |
Intra-District Choice Enrollment open Enrollment | |
Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment — Regulation | |
Request for Open Enrollment | |
Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment | |
Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment | |
Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts | |
Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts — Regulation | |
Assignment of New Students to Classes and Grade Levels | |
Student Absences and Excuses | |
Truancy | |
Truancy Procedure for Student Non-Attendance | |
Student Conduct | |
Student Conduct | |
Student Dress Code | |
Student Conduct on Buses | |
Code of Conduct | |
Bullying Prevention and Education | |
School-Related Student Publications | |
School-Related Student Publications (School Publications Code) — Regulation | |
Student Expression Rights | |
Secret Societies/Gang Activity | |
Secret Societies/Gang Activity — Regulation | |
Use of Tobacco by Students | |
Drug and Alcohol Use by Students | |
Weapons in School | |
Students of Legal Age | |
Pregnant/Married Students | |
Student Interrogations, Searches and Arrests | |
Parking Lot Searches | |
Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances | |
Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances — Regulation | |
Student Activities (Cocurricular and Extracurricular) | |
Student Activities Funds | |
Student Athletics | |
Student Drug Testing | |
Student Athletics Rules | |
Student Athletics Awards | |
Extracurricular Activity Eligibility | |
Extracurricular Activity Eligibility — Regulation | |
Student Discipline | |
Student Discipline-Regulation | |
Discipline of Students with Disabilities | |
Corporal Punishment | |
Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint - Regulation | |
Disciplinary Removal from Classroom | |
Disciplinary Removal from Classroom — Regulation | |
Suspension Expulsion of Students | |
Suspension/Expulsion of Students - Regulation | |
Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion — Exhibit | |
Educational Alternatives for Expelled Students | |
Educational Alternatives for Expelled Students — Regulation | |
Expulsion Prevention | |
Student Health Services and Records | |
Physical Examinations of Students | |
Immunization of Students | |
Immunization of Students — Regulation | |
Communicable/Infectious Diseases | |
Communicable/Infectious Diseases | |
Student with Food Allergies | |
Administering Medicines to Students — Regulation | |
Permission for Medication — Exhibit | |
First Aid and Emergency Medical Care | |
Guidance and Counseling | |
Screening/Testing of Students (and Treatment of Mental Disorders) | |
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) – Exhibit | |
Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection | |
Child Protection | |
Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection — Regulation | |
Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection - Procedures | |
Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection | |
Student Safety | |
Supervision of Students | |
Student Dismissal Precautions | |
Student Dismissal Precautions — Regulation | |
Physical activity policy - elementary students be given opportunity to engage in specified amounts of physical activity | |
Student Fees, Fines and Charges | |
Student Records/Release of Information on Students | |
Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning Student School Records) — Exhibit | |
Opt-Out Form for Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters | |
Opt-Out Form for Student Image Publishing | |
Student Records/Release of Information of Students | |
Sharing of Student Records/Information between School District and State Agencies | |
Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information | |
Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information - Regulation | |
Student use of Internet and Electronic Communications | |
Responsible Use Agreement Computers, the Computer Network and the Internet Parent Permission Form | |
Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications (Annual Acceptable Use Agreement) - Exhibit |
Section K contains policies, regulations and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Except for policies concerning education agencies, statements on public sector relations with school districts also are located in this section. Policies found in this section include parents’ rights, public information and complaints, community use of school facilities, advertising in the schools and public information and communications.
Parent Involvement in Education | |
District Title I Parent and Family Engagement | |
School-Level Title I Parent Involvement Policy (School/Parent Compact) — Exhibit | |
Public Information and Communications | |
Public’s Right to Know/Freedom of Information | |
Parent Notification of Employee Criminal Charges | |
Press Releases, Conferences and Interviews | |
Crisis Management (Safety, Readiness, and Incident Management Planning) | |
Public Concerns/Complaints about Instructional Resources | |
Community Use of School Facilities | |
Community Use of School Facilities — Regulation | |
Public Conduct on School Property | |
Advertising in Schools | |
Visitors to Schools |
Section L contains policies, regulations and exhibits on the school district’s relationship with other education agencies including other school systems, regional or service districts, private schools, colleges and universities, education research organizations and state and national education agencies. This section also contains policies on student teaching, charter schools and BOCES.
Cooperative Educational Programming | |
Relations with District Charter Schools | |
Relations with District Charter Schools (Procedures for Establishment, Review, Renewal, Revocation and Closure) | |
Relations with Education Research Agencies | |
Relations with Education Research Agencies (Research Testing Guidelines) – Regulation |